
1. Flammability

  • Hydrogen in gaseous state is inert. Hydrogen gas can only be explosive, if mixed with oxygen in fully contained environment at the ratio of 4xO to 1xH.
  • Flame arrestor set into the Hydrogen gas flow process is a one-way valve eliminating any risk of spark and/or flame flowback to the Hydrogen gas storage cylinder.
  • Flame arrestors used in the GHP™ kit are BAM manufactured, tested, and certified to BAM / ZBA / 007 / 03 Standards Compliance.

2. Storage & Leakage

  • Hydrogen gas cylinders are either vented to the outside atmosphere or via a controlled mechanism when encased and stored in a designated box.
  • Hydrogen Gas is 3x lighter than Helium gas and innately rises into the atmosphere upon release from its storage cylinder.
  • High-pressure hosing is made of Kevlar, a lightweight, heat-resistant, and very durable material.

3. Hydrogen Gas Cylinders

  • Hydrogen gas cylinders are manufactured internally of 5mm thick mild steel and capable of enduring direct impact in an incident and/or accident unlike Aluminum alloy metals.
  • Hydrogen gas cylinders are capable of being stored outdoors, up to 65 degrees Celsius direct heat is tolerable.
  • Hydrogen gas cylinders are manufactured to ISO EN 12205 – 2001 / TPED 99 / 36 CE Standards Compliance.

4. Pressure Control

  • Hydrogen gas cylinders accept expansion of stored gas up to 5x fill pressure of 200 bar. Hosing transferring gas from cylinder into an engine’s combustion process is of high-pressure capacity accepting up to 5x its transfer pressure of 200 bar.
  • High-pressure hosing is manufactured to BS EN ISO 14113:1997 Standards Compliance.
  • Automatic Relief Valves permit instant dump of gas,
    if the cylinder pressure becomes unstable.

5. Flow Consistency

  • Use of 2-stage pressure reducing regulators ensures consistency of Hydrogen flow as cylinder fill depletes. As the engine remains unchanged, it operates on its standard fuel if Hydrogen gas runs out.
  • The pressure reducing regulator lowers transfer pressure from stored 200 bar down to 10 bar for injection into engine’s combustion process. Regulators are manufactured to ISO 2503 Standards Compliance.
  • Shutoff solenoids are used as safety measure to close hydrogen flow into engine when operator stops engine. They operate as fully open or fully closed via an associated on / off switch. Shutoff solenoids used in the GHP™ kit are fuel quality valves, compatible with Hydrogen gas and manufactured to ISO / CE 400325 – 142 Standards Compliance.

6. Installation

  • GHP™ kits require skilled installation. Mechanics, mechatronics, and technicians are contracted product installers and members of the GHP™ installer team following completion of Hydrogen technology and installation training with the GHP™ IP Owners.
  • Our selected master mechanics team train local mechanics to install kits and provide easy to use installation manual. We are not liable for installations done independently by the end-customers and / or mechanics without a GHP training.
  • Product installations are conducted in compliance with published standards for the GHP™ product.